The Story of SSNET
This is the story of an infinitely wise and loving God for people and nations. A God who REALLY cares. A God that IS the answer to the question:
Can a Nation be Saved?
Being a network organisation, the success of SSNET lies in the relationships that we build with our partners, supporters and fieldworkers.
The foundation of these relationships were already laid more than twenty years ago by a very special person, Johan.
Johan facilitated the formation of Sudan Support Network and moved to Sudan as a Christian worker at the end of 1998. Norman Johnson (current MD of SSNET) joined SSNET at the second Sudan Consultation in Pretoria on 6 June 1998. There were around sixty people assembled, all with a heart for Sudan.
In the three years that followed, various prayer meetings occurred and prayer is still ongoing. A prayer journey to Port Sudan took place in 1999.
In February 2001 a business and mission training course were held. Through that several key role players connected with SSNET.
A vision and ministry trip to Khartoum was arranged. The first Beja Consultation took place in 2001.
From 2002 Norman and his team attended numerous Sudan Prayer Summits in Malawi. In 2005 the first South African Beja Support Partnership was formed and today the North American Support Partnership is a valuable partner to SSNET.
Major Achievements
Daily radio broadcasts of Bible stories are being transmitted since March 2006 in the Beja language and other Sudanese languages.
More than 10 000 cassettes with Bible stories have been distributed. Several opportunities to preach in Port Sudan arose.
After a 10-year battle and overcoming severe obstacles, the Jesus film was finally made available in the Beja language.
More than 20 000 Bibles have been distributed.
In Port Sudan a school was extended to accommodate more learners. As a result, all children in a household were able to attend school where previously only one or two children per family could attend.